A consortium of writers, artists, architects, filmmakers and critics, International Authors publishes books exhibiting outstanding literary merit. Dedicated to the advancement of an international culture in literature, primarily in English, the group seeks new members with an enthusiasm for creating unique artistic expressions. |
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Description: Emanations 11 edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors The latest volume of International Authors’ literary anthology series, Emanations 11 presents stunning art, illustrations and writing from around the world. Over five-hundred pages long, this new book sustains International Authors’ commitment to innovation and experimentation: challenging visual pieces, intriguing artists’ statements, idiosyncratic memoirs, candid academic reflections, astute poetic expressions, and cutting-edge speculative fiction. The forty-three contributors represent Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Nepal, India, Oman, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. |
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Description: The Bottomless Bottle of Beer by Horace Jeffery Hodges A summer of discontent may transform the city around us, challenge our self-understanding, and leave us profoundly changed. The hero of this story has one of those experiences. Drawn down into a subterranean realm, he encounters the mysterious Koroviev, the seductive Hella, diabolical Beelzebub, monstrous Behemoth, and other famous fiends from myth and literature. But he fails to recognize them, and so finds himself in danger of losing his soul; indeed, without even knowing he has a soul! Through his wife’s practical energy and unfailing love, he succeeds in returning home, though profoundly transformed.About the Author: Horace Jeffery Hodges was born in the Arkansas Ozarks, earned a BA in English and American literature at Baylor University, and obtained a history master’s and doctorate at UC Berkeley. He has been a “Gypsy Scholar” who has taught in various places around the globe. He is now a retired professor after teaching for over a decade at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea. He has settled there with his wife, Sun-Ae, and their two children. He has published articles, stories, poetry, as well as various translations from Korean with his wife, including Yi Kwang-Su’s epic novel The Soil. His novellas are The Bottomless Bottle of Beer and The Uncanny Story. Extra Pound: The Limericks and Radiant Snow are collections of his poems. |
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Description: Extra Pound: The Limericks by Horace Jeffery Hodges In this counterfactual world of the putative American fascist Extra Pound, who may or may not exist, we meet his wartime companions Kitt Katt and Rat Fink, several varieties of turtles, turtle doves, a couple of ravens, a toad or two, and some other creatures, each of whom is confronted with an overwhelming question. Oh, do not ask 'what is it?' Let us, rather, make there a visit. |
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Description: Radiant Snow by Horace Jeffery Hodges “Everything I’ve known about him is here: his subtle grasp of life’s mysteries; the sensitive observations about love, lust, and human nature; an appreciation of the natural world, of Arkansas, and of the many places he’s been since then; an ear for language, especially the language of his native Ozarks; the moral and Biblical underpinnings; the salty humor; and even his love of beer.” |
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Description: The Creed of the Oracles: The Banishment of the Six Forces by Ebi Robert Erecious is a freeman of HEH, one of the countries in the Veriverse. Though an Oracle, he is eager to help freemen from the sinister actions of the vil-beings and the corrupted Oracles of HEH. To protect the freemen, Erecious takes up the challenge to fulfil the test to become a demi-god. But little does he know that he has an identity unknown to him—an identity known to the gods. He now must fight these same gods. Can Erecious, son of Gar, win this battle against the six forces of the Veriverse?About the Author: Ebi Robert is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in the City of Yenagoa, in Bayelsa State. He practices law at F.B.A. Nabena & Co. and also serves as a Probono Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Niger Delta University, where he assists in teaching Cybercrime Law and International Law. He has published extensively in the field of Law. His poems have been published around the world in anthologies, journals and ezines. He has published two plays: An Empty Kingdom and Zige. Creed of the Oracles is his first novel. Website: www.ebirobert.com |
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Description: Echoes by Carter Kaplan Echoes is a spy thriller like no other. Technocracy thrives, but so does a secret society opposed to the scientific order. Meet Bronson Bodine, agent from the Invisible Tower. Strange adventures among the specters and reflections of boundless possibility lead to strange outcomes, and to even stranger revelations. Echoes is the first book in the Invisible Tower Trilogy. About the Author: Carter Kaplan has pioneered the application of poetry and fiction to the study of analytic philosophy, as presented in his book Critical Synoptics: Menippean Satire and the Analysis of Intellectual Mythology. He is the author of the Aristophanic comedy Diogenes, and a novel of intellectual life in trans-Atlantic culture, Tally-Ho, Cornelius! His Afterword appears in the International Authors edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, and he led the translation committee producing the International Authors edition of Torquato Tasso’s Creation of the World. He is editor of the annual literary anthology Emanations. |
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Description: We Reign Secure by Carter Kaplan Bronson Bodine returns to an America ripped apart by violent extremists, deranged nativists, pirate politicians, fake religious gurus, corrupt bureaucracies, ignorant hordes, mad scientists, global corporations, and insane Satanists. Exotic drugs, deranged media broadcasts, mysterious voices, and blazing signs in the sky exercise the neuroses of a devastated nation. After rescuing a beautiful spy, Bronson Bodine goes undercover with a group of sexed-up anarchists. Making their way through ecological devastation and civil war, they uncover a sinister plot to transform the human race into something else. We Reign Secure is the second book in the Invisible Tower Trilogy. |
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Description: The Sky-Shaped Sarcophagus by Carter Kaplan Agents of the Invisible Tower establish control over a world stunned by decades of technological acceleration, and Bronson Bodine is at the heart of the action. The legacy of a dead mad scientist leaves the ignorant masses under the control of psychotic cultists, while people are shattered into raging zomboids by a network of hidden laboratories. The discovery of an ancient artifact may represent a reversal to these disruptions, but the artifact also contains secrets that will shake the universe to its very foundations. Can the agents of the Invisible Tower solve the mystery of the sky-shaped sarcophagus? The Sky-Shaped Sarcophagus is the third book in the Invisible Tower Trilogy. |
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Description: Emanations Zen edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors Emanations Zen is the tenth volume of International Authors’ anthology project, which is dedicated to encouraging raconteurs, poets, visionaries and memorists to engage with the possibilities for unrestricted inquiry and free expression. Here readers will find a book that is challenging, far-ranging and far seeing, a book that advances the ways informed literature can be used to view and understand the world. The forty-one contributors represent Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, India, Oman, Nigeria, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, France, Norway, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. |
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Description: Emanations: When a Planet was a Planet edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors The ninth volume of the critically acclaimed Emanations literary anthology series, Emanations: When a Planet was a Planet presents stunning new art, illustrations and writing from around the world. The forty-two contributors represent South Korea, Canada, India, Oman, France, Nigeria, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Germany, Spain, the Philippines, Sweden, Japan, and the United States. Comprising a broad range of graphic and literary expressions, this new volume wonderfully sustains International Authors’ commitment to innovation and experimentation, with unusual visual pieces, intriguing artists’ statements, idiosyncratic memoirs, dynamic poetical constructions, and cutting-edge speculative fiction. |
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Description: Octo-Emanations edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors The eighth volume of the critically acclaimed Emanations literary anthology series, Octo-Emanations presents stunning new art, illustrations, and writing from around the world. The forty-two contributors represent South Korea, Canada, India, Oman, Kenya, Nepal, France, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Kosovo, Spain, the Philippines, Sweden, Japan, and the United States. Comprising a broad range of perspectives, this edition also includes a special new section featuring visual fine arts pieces with artists' statements, making it one of the most exciting projects of the International Authors publishing house to date. |
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Description: Butterworth by Michael Butterworth Butterworth presents the collected short works of the author Michael Butterworth—previously found in long out of print anthology paperbacks and yellowing magazines such as New Worlds and other offshoots submerged by the accumulation of time, and which have been mostly lost and overshadowed by his later “Ecker” infamy as the co-publisher of the Northern provocateurs Savoy Books. About the Author: Michael Butterworth is a UK author, publisher and editor. He was a key part of the UK New Wave of Science Fiction in the 1960s, contributing fiction to New Worlds and other publications. He began publishing small press literary magazines, including Corridor in 1969, and in 1975 founded Savoy Books with David Britton. He co-authored Britton’s controversial novel Lord Horror (1989), and in 2009 launched the contemporary visual art and writing journal, Corridor8. His last book was a memoir, The Blue Monday Diaries: In the Studio With New Order (2016). He is a regular contributor to Emanations. |
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Description: My Servant the Wind by Michael Butterworth Navigating his story, there is nothing linear; autobiography becomes speculative memoir that crosses into fiction. In alien contacts the geography of the page disintegrates and time has become uncertain—located neither here nor there. The wind is blowing from the future deserts which he remembers from his youth. He is haunted by himself and memories of the apocalypse. He has travelled through new worlds and wild turbulence, protracted labour—a difficult birth. The wind blows a novel against his receiver and he transcribes… |
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Description: Emanations: Chorus Pleiades edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors In this seventh volume of Emanations, discriminating readers will find the very best in visionary writing and illustration. The forty-three contributors to this volume represent lands as diverse as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Nepal, India, Thailand, Oman, Iran, Nigeria, Spain, France, Sweden, England, Scotland, Ireland and America. Collectively, these voices and visionaries comprise a Chorus Pleiades, a disparate orchestration projecting reflections of our world—as well casting foreshadows of possible worlds to come. In these pages, readers will find vast spaces, stillness, enclosed perceptions, powerful upsets, sumptuous panoramas, and distinct yet conjoining juxtapositions of unfamiliar aspect. Here are matters that arouse our curiosity, excite our sense of anticipation, beckon and impel us to rush forward into dreams that dominate, that climax, that effervesce with allure, that at last give direction as we discover ourselves upon that broad field where an abundantly civil and courageous intercourse can flourish and inspire. |
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Description: Escape Trajectories by William Weiss and Gareth Jackson "Chance meetings of philosophy and sewing machines. Mining each other for foolish gold and stoned blood. In conjoined purpose – a transatlantic double act." "A visionary voice of objective intensity, seeming to forewarn of a near future that is not only possible but very likely. This book deserves a large audience. It won't get it." Escape Trajectories is published by NULL23 in association with International Authors. About the Authors: William Weiss was born in housing projects in Cleveland, the North Coast. He escaped from there to attend school at a number of universities and colleges, including Naropa, where he was a student of William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso. Weiss taught at Patten College, UC Berkeley, National Hispanic University, the San Francisco Conservation Corps, and SUNY Adirondack where he was an Associate Professor of English until he retired. He lives in the Mojave Desert with his wife and cat and keeps an eye out for Captain Beefheart who is rumored to live in the desert nearby. Books include Orbiting William S. Burroughs and Hallucination May Constitute the Final Theorem under the pen name Professor Nil. |
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Description: Creation of the World by Torquato Tasso. Translated by Dario Rivarossa, Salwa Khoddam, and Carter Kaplan. Illustrations by the Magic Trio: Dario Rivarossa, Eva “Nivalis“ Nieri, and Tiziana “Selkis” Grassi Combining myth, philosophy, theology, science, astronomy, astrology, history, politics, geography, and exploration, Torquato Tasso's Creation of the World is a sweeping vision of the universe and our place in it. This new translation is a comprehensive line-by-line rendering in modern English, allowing readers to fully appreciate the subtle nuances of Tasso's exquisite poetry as well as the stunning expanse of his learning and understanding. Over fifty illustrations offer lively and diverse interpretations of the poem, contributing to a unique aesthetic experience that readers will happily enjoy and return to again and again. About the Author: Torquato Tasso (1544–1595) was an Italian poet known across Europe for his poem La Gerusalemme Liberata (Jerusalem Delivered, 1581). His late masterpiece Il Mondo Creato (Creation of the World, 1592, 1607) is an exposition of early-modern sensibility emerging from the turbulence of the late Counter-Reformation. Some scholars have suggested Tasso influenced John Milton, whose Paradise Lost reflects elements of Tasso’s style, themes, and genius. |
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Description: Reclamation by Elkie Riches Leda Varsis is a shaman--more precisely, she is a member of the Shaman Division, serving the global military order that has survived the apocalyptic event known as the Turning. Adapted from past mysticism to military specifications, the Shaman Division provides communication channels between the enemy and mankind. When Leda is assigned to the military base of ex-London, she intends to carry out her role but the communications that come to her are not what she expects. About the Author: Elkie Riches is an English writer whose work features regularly in Emanations, the annual anthology of avant-garde literature published by International Authors. |
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Description: Dante was a Fantasy Writer by Dario Rivarossa The word “Middle Ages” evokes fairies, elves, dragons, witches, magical enchantments, the mysteries of the Knights Templar, and popular events such as Palios, rides, and tournaments. Did all of these things already “exist” in the Middle Ages narrated by Dante, or are they just modern fantasies? And if Dante talks about such wonders, where does he? And how? On a quest to answer such questions, Dario Rivarossa leads his readers on a journey through the “open secrets” of the poem par excellence of Italian literature. Here is an original and unusual essay, capturing many aspects of The Divine Comedy that remain hidden to modern readers. Conveyed in a humorous and engaging style, the study is notable for rigorous scholarship and insightful critical observations. It is a wonderfully engaging book for both students of Dante and the non-expert audience. The book features 100 color drawings — as many as the Cantos in The Divine Comedy — prepared by the author. About the Author: Dario Rivarossa is a translator, essayist, journalist, illustrator, and lecturer for the Dante Alighieri Society. |
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Description: Writer's Block by Vitasta Raina Welcome to Chalet, the city of manicured luxury and western complexity, where India's rise to the promised land of elegant living and boundless consumerism is unchecked, except by the force of the millions living in the slums beyond the barrier walls. Their official fate is oblivion, and yet there is for them an existence of sorts--within the dreams and visions of those who dwell inside the Writer's Block. About the Author: Vitasta Raina is an architect and urban planner based in Mumbai, India. She is the author of a novella, Writer’s Block, and a collection of poetry, Someday Dream. |
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Description: Drawn Closer by Amy B. Trosino "The pen and ink drawings in this book are samples from my life placed under a microscope. They are highly autobiographical and invite the viewer to look closely for hidden and obvious meanings in detail. Through this technique, the immersion into every aspect of being, from the minute cellular level of the physical to the vast intangible potency of the spiritual, is revealed." --Amy B. Trosino About the Artist: Amy B. Trosino is the founder of Artventure Studio, where she teaches a variety of subjects including illustration, ceramics, book making and gallery design. Her work has appeared in Art and Beyond, Art Buzz: The 2013 Collection, House Calls, Drink, Charleston, The Crescent Review Literary Journal, The Georgia Guardian, and at the Annual Children's Book Fair in Bologna, Italy. |
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Description: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne As a phenomenon of intellectual history, The Scarlet Letter represents a definitive formulation of the classic liberal ideas that mark the emergence of the modern world. Like the Declaration of Independence, The Scarlet Letter stands on the shoulders of well-evolved political and theological discussions advancing a range of independent notions concerning human nature, individualism, community, open public disclosure, the “real” authority of law, separation of government institutions and powers, and the separation of church and state. Featuring a penetrating afterword by Carter Kaplan, the International Authors edition of The Scarlet Letter is intended for students and scholars seeking to cultivate a deep appreciation for Hawthorne's genius and art. About the Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was an American short story writer and novelist. Widely studied in American schools and universities, Hawthorne is known for his imaginative genius, clever humor, and penetrating understanding of the human condition. |
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Description: Humanities: From Ancient Mesopotamia to the Renaissance in England edited by Carter Kaplan Humanities: From Ancient Mesopotamia to the Renaissance in England is an anthology of religious, mythological, philosophical and historical writings for university students, poets and artists. Here is a comprehensive collection that will support inquiries into the Humanities, the Fine Arts and the Social Sciences. In this volume readers will discover a range of voices that are central to an understanding of the emergence and the theme of sustainable civilization. Showing rather than telling is the organizing principle. The subject matter of this book comprises mythography, philology, theology, philosophy, law and history, with an understanding that a civil discussion drawing together (and separating) these areas is something—a subject, an activity—of a different order. |
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Description: Fantasy Worlds edited by Carter Kaplan An anthology of fantastic fiction, poetry and essays for college and university students, Fantasy Worlds presents a fresh approach to the study of the field, with readings that stand not only as masterpieces of the genre, but also as some of the very best works from the canon of world literature. Selections from the mists of legend, the Renaissance, the Victorian era, as well as early-modern and contemporary periods are represented in this handsome and entertaining volume. |
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Description: Emanations: I Am Not a Number edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors Justifying the assembly of yet another highly-regarded international literary anthology transcends conventional assessment measures, for justification is never an appropriate step to understanding the dynamics that lead to an accurate description of a volume of this nature. Considerations attending that descriptive task include the identification of a variety of conflicting factors: the manipulation of pattern recognition, the emergence of cross-cultural traditions, specious grammatical confluences, graphic grotesqueries, the illusion of narrative, the reification of abstractions—moreover rendered in the theatrical contrivance of a physical book, which plainly forces meaning and refracts understanding, so as to superimpose an unreal and scenic impression. The implications for literary art, like the attending syntactical possibilities themselves, are innumerable. Something “ingenious” is achieved when the countless opportunities for hermeneutic speculation at last fracture and break apart in our failure to arrive at what we could reasonably call an endpoint—where explanation and appreciation, in fluent apposition, minimize tension. Suffice it to say, therefore, that here are tales, here are poems, here are memoirs. Collectively regarded, arbitrarily divided, or as offered in the packaging of their removable labels, these are our emanations. Emanations: I Am Not a Number presents the work of writers and artists from around the world. |
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Description: Emanations: 2 + 2 = 5 edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors Two past lives plus two past lives equals five past lives. Two hand grenades plus two hand grenades equals five hand grenades. Two votes plus two votes equals five votes. Two speech crimes plus two speech crimes equals five speech crimes. Two laurel wreaths plus two laurel wreaths equals five laurel wreaths. Two genetically modified organisms plus two genetically modified organisms equals five genetically modified organisms. Two celebrities plus two celebrities equals five celebrities. Two political parties plus two political parties equals five political parties. Two decapitations plus two decapitations equals five decapitations. Two pandemics plus two pandemics equals five pandemics. Two financial crises plus two financial crises equals five financial crises. But two volumes of Emanations plus two volumes of Emanations equals FOUR volumes of Emanations. The addition of the fifth fake integer is embodied in this volume, and all it contains are real emanations. International Authors’ fifth collection of fiction, poetry and essays, Emanations: 2 + 2 = 5 presents the work of sixty writers and artists from around the world. |
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Description: Emanations: Foray into Forever edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors We have become eternity, where the past is a memory, the future is expectation, and all that remains is now. Always. But there is a way out. Infinity itself tells its place in a blinding flash as ecstasy fills the skies and what we are dissolves into stars: the oracles are revealed behind a mask slowly lowered before what was everything, or nothing at all but pure and radiant emanations. International Authors’ fourth collection of fiction, poetry and essays, Emanations: Foray into Forever showcases the work of fifty writers and artists from around the world. |
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Description: Emanations: Third Eye edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors We conceive three personae, all drawing form and substance from distant wells that gush forth as fleet images and liquid myth, revealing our manifold selves: First, the calculus of mechanism in space. Second, living breath drawn from the continuum of eroding time--shifting principle of a vegetating Cosmos. Finally, the third self, the third I, the ocular stage upon which we perceive this enfolding process. Here all aspiration shall find fulfillment in sentient manifestations. Behold, a myriad of ancient shapes in mathematical eternity, mental rebirth, and furious sunbursts of curious ambition: the audacious call of our deep, assured, and long-echoing emanations. The third anthology to be released by International Authors, Emanations: Third Eye presents the work of over forty writers and artists from around the world. |
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Description: Emanations: Second Sight edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors The attempt itself reveals both the machinery and the resolve. Rising against the gravitational seductions of former disbelief, the unclosing eye is disabused of shadowy fear and caging illusion. In these pages of poetry, fiction, essays and art, spheres of an original geometry draw together and at long last illuminate that elusively crystalizing plane of second sight, angelic knowledge, and bright eternity. Here, should fortune favor our bold attempt, we might grasp the fires of joy, forge them into thunderbolts, and launch them high to ignite the stars of our most exalted and passionate emanations. The second anthology to be released by International Authors, Emanations: Second Sight showcases the work of thirty writers from around the world. With illustrations by Bienvenido Bañez, Jr., Troy C. Frantz, Terrance Lindall, Kai Robb, and Dario Rivarossa. |
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Description: Emanations edited by Carter Kaplan and International Authors Our expectations descend through chasms of arcane wonder, where the Internet shapes marvelous new communities, even as the Academy breaks the chains of worn convention and formal discipline, sending forth a new class of scholars to explore the frontiers of unique realms. Amidst this progress, strangely enough and yet quite appropriately, consciousness rebels. In these pages are stories, poems, and essays that are exuberant, eloquent, and original—where expression and intelligence commingle in a flash of awakening. Whether this new consciousness is human or perhaps something greater remains to be seen, but by looking into our emanations we might find an answer. The first anthology to be released by International Authors, Emanations showcases the work of sixteen writers from around the world. With illustrations by Kai Robb, Dario Rivarossa and Vitasta Raina. |
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Description: Diogenes by Carter Kaplan Combining delicate craft with wicked cleverness, Diogenes employs ancient Aristophanic devices to conjure a vision of the “new” modern condition. Far-seeing, humorous and often disturbing, Carter Kaplan ranges like a spirit of the air, winging fearlessly from Athens to Atlantis, and thence to the flickering lights beyond. Rare indeed do we find opportunities to step back from the contemporary scene to view life from the perspective of eternity. Such opportunities are not to be missed. With an introduction by Elkie Riches. |
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Description: Tally-Ho, Cornelius! by Carter Kaplan Jerry Cornelius comes back to life as a most improbable Anglican theologian in this lively tale of love, God's will and the New World Order. Set against the pulsing background of New York City rebuilding at the dawn of our young and uncertain century, this happy and charming novel bubbles over with the myths and ambitions that feed the hallucinating classes as they chase their aspirations. Jerry Cornelius is our affliction and our respite. Michael Moorcock writes, "Rev. Dr. Jerry Cornelius remains an enigmatic and at the same time wholly transparent figure amongst modern media brands, at once instantly recognizable and invisible." About the Author: Carter Kaplan is a professor, writer and editor. He has pioneered the application of poetry and fiction to the study of analytic philosophy, as presented in his book Critical Synoptics: Menippean Satrie and the Analysis of Intellectual Mythology. In addition to a number of academic articles and reviews, he is the author of the novel Tally-Ho, Cornelius!, and the Aristophanic comedy Diogenes. |
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